Do children get appendicitis?
Yes, appendicitis is a common cause for abdominal pain in children. It is a serious medical condition which may lead to complications. Early treatment has the best results.
What is the appendix?
The appendix is a small tube which is a part of the intestine, attached at the junction of small and large intestine. It is blind ending, which means if stools or bacteria get stuck inside it, there is no easy way out for them. This predisposes the appendix to getting infected and hence appendicitis is a common problem in children.
Removing a diseased appendix has minimal to no impact on the intestines or the body.
What is the treatment for appendicitis in children?
Large series have shown that early appendicitis can be treated without surgery, with antibiotics and supportive medications.
It is important to diagnose how badly the appendix is affected and if there is an impending complication.
Imaging studies such as ultrasound or CT scan may help in picking up complicated appendicitis which is best treated by urgent surgery.
What is the surgery for appendicitis in children?
The appendix is removed surgically in children by Laparoscopy or Key-hole surgery.
In most cases if operated early, children make a quick recovery and get discharged within 2-3 days.
If the appendicitis is complicated by gangrene or pus formation or adhesions of intestine then the recovery may take a few weeks.
A full recovery after surgery usually occurs bybone or two months.
Children can often start going to school by 10-15 days after surgery.
It is advised to not engage in sports for a period of one month after surgery.