
Paediatric Advanced Laparoscopy Course

June 2024 to July 2025


Welcome to the second edition of the Squirrels Paediatric Laparoscopy Course, to be held from June 2024 - July 2025. This course is designed for paediatric surgeons, by paediatric surgeons and taught by an enthusiastic panel of faculty led by our Course Convenor Dr. Pradeep Shenoy.

The salient features of this course are -

  • All theory is covered as videos in the pre-course material. These videos are crafted in detail to cover OT position, Port Position, Port placement, critical steps of common surgeries and common fallacies. 
  • Two days hands-on training module with dry and wet lab. We have broken down complex surgical tasks into simple tasks and made models for the same. These have been kept relevant to paediatric surgery trying to emulate steps of common procedures and we also help you adjust to fine sutures.
  • Post course contact programme. This exhaustive activity is a monthly zoom meeting where a faculty presents a video of a common procedure and a detailed discussion ensues. One or two procedures are discussed each month covering simple to complex surgeries. 
  • For an additional fee, we organise an in-house contact programme for one day where a delegate can come and observe common cases. 
  • We now introduce a online-only learning mode wherein if you are unable to come to Mumbai for training, you can attend all the contact programmes for one year and also view our online training videos.

What to expect from the course

This programme is designed to provide you a good starter to your paediatric laparoscopy career. As faculty, we have all been through the stages of learning laparoscopic surgery in the past two decades and have attended many courses. The old adage of 'see one, assist one and do one' rarely is relevant today and it is better to be prepared by thorough learning and practice. This course is a culmination of several brain storming hours to give you what we feel is a comprehensive, continuous and well curated course. 

What not to expect from the course

This course is designed for those who have some basic understanding of laparoscopy and is not designed for absolute beginners in laparoscopy.

Rating by previous course delegates (2023)

OVERALL RATING = 4.833 / 5

Course FORMAT = 4.917 / 5

Contact us

You may call or send a WhatsApp message to Dr. Pradeep Shenoy to enquire about this course.

Dr. Pradeep Shenoy 99200 36404

Best wishes and happy learning

Dr. Kant Shah

Course Director


Course options

Regular course - Rs. 25,600 (no GST) - Only 1 seat left

Pre-Course Material (Online) 

+ Two Days Hands-On (27-28 July, 2024) 

+ Accommodation 26th & 27th July - two nights, twin sharing

+ Post-course Contact Programmes for one year (Online) (August 2024 - July 2025)

Comprehensive course - Rs. 41,000 (no GST) - Fully booked

Pre-Course Material (Online) 

+ Live in-OT observation of surgery for one day (26th July, 2024)

+ Two Days Hands-On (27-28 July, 2024) 

+ Accommodation 26th & 27th July - two nights, twin sharing

+ Post-course Contact Programmes for one year (Online) (August 2024 - July 2025)

On-Line only course - Rs. 10,000 (no GST) - 2 seats left

Pre-Course Material (Online) 

+ Post-course Contact Programmes for one year (Online) (August 2024 - July 2025)

Online + Live in-OT - Rs. 25,000 (no GST) - Fully booked

Pre-Course Material (Online) 

+ Live in-OT observation of surgery for one day (26th July, 2024)

+ Post-course Contact Programmes for one year (Online) (August 2024 - July 2025)

Payment details

NEFT only


Bank name: Bank of India

Account number: 006220110001275

IFSC code: BKID0000062


Please click here for the registration form. You will need to make the payment first before registration.


Online course fees include attendance of online session and access to the video library for one year. 

Hands-On course fees include All materials, Dry and Wet Models, Accommodation on 26th and 27th July nights at the venue, Food including Breakfast and Lunch for both days.

Live in-OT day includes packed lunch and breakfast. It does not include accommodation, however that can be requested separately.  


Travel - if you stay away from the venue then please consider travel in your plans.

Accommodation except 26-27 July

Any other costs not mentioned

Our team


Dr. Ketan Parikh

Course Convenor

Dr. Pradeep Shenoy

Course Director

Dr. Kant Shah

Course Faculty

Dr. Jui Mandke

Dr. Devendra Taide

Dr. Hussain Kotawala

Online resource faculty

Dr. Ramesh Babu

Dr. VVS Chandrasekharam

Dr. Kirtikumar Rathod

Dr. Ankur Mandelia

Nursing and OT team

Nandini Jadhav

Shubham Ligam

Sonali Bhekare

Vaibhav Gaikwad



Course venue, timings & Travel to the venue

Operating theatres - 26 July, 2024

The Live in-OT observations will be held at Borivali Healthcare and Surya hospitals, Mumbai. Delegates will be assigned one of these venues. Each OT is planned to have 4-5 cases. The delegates will be able to attend the OT and have a one-to-one discussion with two or three faculty members. The OTs will start sharp at 8 am on 26th July and it is recommended to be present at 7.30 am for pre-surgery discussions. You will also get a chance to interact with paediatric anesthesia colleagues. 

Borivali Healthcare - maps - https://goo.gl/maps/k4AQ8RNACk8LzEwV6

Surya Hospital - maps - https://goo.gl/maps/2495wYaD5CJ6uHap6

Hands-on workshop 27 & 28 July, 2024

The two day hands-on course is held at the MCA Sachin Tendulkar Gymkhana, Kandivali west, Mumbai

Website - https://mcasak.com/

Maps - https://goo.gl/maps/aitfipWPmWQTRAkHA

The hands-on course starts sharply at 8 am on Saturday and Sunday 27& 28 July, 2024. Each day will end approximately at 6 pm. Please plan travel accordingly. The course includes stay on the night before at the venue. You will need to check-out on the last day of the course in the morning itself. 

Travel to the venue

It takes around one hour to get to the airport and about one and half hours to get to the main train stations from the course venue. We request you to plan your travel accordingly.

What to bring to the course

Light casual wear.

It will be beneficial to have a good night's rest ahead of the hands-on workshop.

Course Schedule


June 2024

Online videos – 10 hours

You get access to online videos which are specifically made keeping you in mind. Every small step is detailed and we cover everything from OT setup to patient position to port insertion.

July 2024

Online course introduction – 2 hours, live interactive

We will take you through the course and highlight important things for you to learn during the course.

We will also take questions from you about the videos and resolve queries in detail.

Operative workshop – live in-OT

Friday 26th July, 2024

To bridge the gap between theory, lab training and real life, we have introduced a live in-OT training day. You get firsthand experience of observing experts go about their routines and get valuable insights. Our experts then sit you down and help you develop a plan that will work for you in your setup. There is ample time to discuss instrumentation, staff, anaesthesia, costs, and other practical nuances.

The operative workshop can be taken as an add-on to the regular course or the online only course.

Hands-on training

The hands-on course is a two day grueling affair where there are no lectures. You will be taught simple manouvres to minimise effort, small tricks to prevent errors, and tested to help you understand your skills better. We start at sharp 8 am and finish at 6 pm on both days.

Saturday 27th July, 2024

Day one of the hands-on course focusses on getting the basics right. Simple hand movements, efficiency, ergonomics, basic skills such as dissection, suturing etc.

8 am – Breakfast

8.30 am – Session – 1 – Meet the professor – Dr. Ketan Parikh

Dr. Ketan Parikh is a pioneer in paediatric laparoscopic surgery and a founding member of the PESI-IAPS society. We hope an hour-long interaction with the master will motivate you to learn with rigour.

9.30 am – Session 2 – Handling and Dissection skills

11.30 am – Test

12 pm – Session 3 – Physiotherapy for Laparoscopic Surgeons

This extremely useful and well-liked session focusses on things you can do to prevent injuries to yourself. In our zeal to learn, the first sacrifice is often made of ergonomics. Some surgeries are inherently difficult or longer. A good plan of how to prevent injuries will put you in good stead for decades to come.

1 pm – LUNCH

2 pm – Session 4 – Dissection Skills

4 pm – Test

4.30 pm – HIGH TEA

5 pm – Session 5 – Suturing skills – 1

Sunday 28th July, 2024

8 am – Breakfast

8.30 am – Recap

9.30 am – Session 6 – Suturing skills – 2

12.30 pm – Test

1 pm – LUNCH

2 pm – Fine Suturing Skills – 3

In this session we focus on using finer sutures, finer tissues with less error rates.

4 pm – Test

4.30 pm – HIGH TEA

5 pm – Closing comments from Faculty


Our educational sponsors for this course are -

Borivali Healthcare

BHC logo borivali healthcare

Olympus Medical Imaging systems


Testimonials from previous course

The team was great. Can plan for more contact sessions in between like 4 or 6 months.

Delegate 1


i have improved a lot ..after the training....iam experiencing it daily...

Delegate 2


Good course . Keep up the good work

Delegate 3


Hope the learning continues via videos or online meetings

Delegate 4


Please discuss Port positioning in difficult cases

Delegate 5


Please discuss On nephrectomy, splenectomy etc

Delegate 6


Keep this course at reasonable registration fees. Better keep in Hospitals, with facility for accommodation and mess. More free optical systems so that we can practise more.

Delegate 7


Overall very satisfying and knowledge, skill and confidence boosting workshop.....Keep it up....All the best

Delegate 8


Please post Lap Pyeloplasty videos , Malrotation videos

Delegate 9


It was a nice experience to meet everyone and learn many things in minimal access

Delegate 10


Our first course in January 2023

Our ratings


overall course rating


Detailed ratings

Comfort of suturing at the end of the course

suturing comfort

Our delegates came from far and wide

Map pdf_page-0001

delegates 2

meet the prof KP2

The setting - hall

MCA club, Kandivali, Mumbai

We had one of the best ever setups at this fantastic venue. The ambience was perfect for learning and the food and service was well organised by the local team.

the hall


great lunches 2

great lunches 1

The equipment

All imaging systems were HD or 4K, also there was one 3D system for people to try out.

These were provided by Olympus Imaging, our Educational Partner

equipment 1

imaging systems

3d lap

Interactive sessions

We had two mentors Dr. Ketan Parikh and Dr. Uddhavraj Dudhedia who both gave tips and tricks of starting out the laparoscopic journey. They focussed on starting problems and how to over come them. We also had a fantastic session with a physiotherapist Shiney Shanbhag who discussed different techniques to avoid injuries. There was also a session with Dr. Ankit Desai to highlight challenges for anaesthetists with laparoscopic surgery especially in Infants.

meet the prof KP


meet the prof uddhav

The faculty

Our faculty have spent most of the past two decades learning laparoscopic surgery and modifying its usage to suit our tiny patients and every increasing repertoire of surgeries.

They spent hours discussing models which would mimic real life scenarios. Also wet tissues were used to give a 'feel' of real life surgery.

faculty 1

faculty 3

wet models 3

wet models 1

The faulty were well supported by a fully engrossed staff who also tried their hands in their spare time!

staff 2

staff 1

True Hands-on

A great emphasis was given on hands-on training throughout the two days of training. our faculty used their expertise to fine tune the hand movements, shoulder placements and internal instrument movements to enhance efficacy and accuracy.

hands on training 1

hands on training 4

hands on training 2

hands on training 6

hands on training 3

hands on training 7

The delegates

We had some of the most enthusiastic delegates who participated with vigour. This motivated the faculty to go all out to help them in their journey of laparoscopy. This camaraderie was well evident in the post-course monthly contact programmes and continues to this day.

delegates 8

delegates 11

delegates 9

delegates 10

delegates 7

delegates 4

delegates 3

delegates 5

delegates 12

delegates 6

delegates 13

We are thankful to our sponsors for supporting us in this endeavour financially and by providing materials.

Borivali Healthcare

Olympus Medical Imaging

Yantrika Laparoscopy Instruments

Dolphin Sutures

Blueneem Urology products

We are eternally grateful to our teachers who taught us to learn, practice and innovate.

Dr. Kant Shah
Dr. Kant Shah

Dr. Kant Shah is a specialist surgeon for children with an experience of 17 years in the field of Paediatric Surgery. He has worked in the UK for 6 years in prestigious hospitals such as Birmingham Children’s Hospital (BCH) and Children’s Hospital, Oxford (CHOX).

After training in Paediatric Surgery, he underwent a fellowship in Paediatric Oncosurgery at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai and then at Sir J. J. Group of hospitals, Mumbai for learning Advanced Paediatric Uro-surgery and Paediatric Laparoscopy. In 2018, he went to ORSI, Belgium, the largest training centre for Robotic Surgery and was certified as a Paediatric Robotic Surgeon.

He is passionate about improving the care of children who need surgery by using a holistic approach to patient care. He believes that all the available advances in medical sciences must be used to improve the long-term outcomes of children with complex congenital anomalies.