
Cancer care

Cancer care involves a comprehensive approach to diagnosing, treating, and managing cancer. It encompasses a wide range of services, including medical, surgical, and supportive care, tailored to meet the specific needs of each patient.


Screening Tests

  • Purpose: Early detection of cancer in asymptomatic individuals.
  • Examples: Mammograms (breast cancer), colonoscopy (colon cancer), Pap smears (cervical cancer), low-dose CT scans (lung cancer).

Diagnostic Imaging

  • Purpose: Detailed visualization of suspected cancerous areas.
  • Examples: X-rays, CT scans, MRI, PET scans, ultrasounds.


  • Purpose: Obtain tissue samples for microscopic examination.
  • Methods: Needle biopsy, surgical biopsy, endoscopic biopsy.

Laboratory Tests

  • Purpose: Detection of cancer markers, genetic mutations, and overall health status.
  • Examples: Blood tests (e.g., PSA for prostate cancer), urine tests, tumor marker tests.

Treatment Options


  • Purpose: Removal of cancerous tissue and surrounding areas.
  • Types: Lumpectomy, mastectomy, prostatectomy, tumor debulking.

Radiation Therapy

  • Purpose: Use of high-energy rays to kill or shrink cancer cells.
  • Techniques: External beam radiation, brachytherapy, stereotactic radiosurgery.


  • Purpose: Use of drugs to destroy cancer cells or stop their growth.
  • Administration: Intravenous (IV), oral, intramuscular, intraperitoneal.


  • Purpose: Boost the body’s immune system to fight cancer.
  • Types: Checkpoint inhibitors, CAR T-cell therapy, monoclonal antibodies.

Targeted Therapy

  • Purpose: Use of drugs that target specific molecules involved in cancer growth.
  • Examples: Tyrosine kinase inhibitors, monoclonal antibodies.

Hormone Therapy

  • Purpose: Block or remove hormones that fuel certain cancers.
  • Examples: Tamoxifen (breast cancer), androgen deprivation therapy (prostate cancer).

Stem Cell Transplant

  • Purpose: Replace damaged bone marrow with healthy stem cells.
  • Types: Autologous (patient’s own cells), allogeneic (donor cells)

Supportive Care

Pain Management

  • Medications: Analgesics, opioids, nerve blocks.
  • Therapies: Physical therapy, acupuncture, palliative care.

Nutritional Support

  • Diet Plans: Specialized diets to maintain strength and weight.
  • Supplements: Vitamins, high-protein shakes.

Psychosocial Support

  • Counseling: Individual, family, and group therapy.
  • Support Groups: Peer support and shared experiences.


  • Physical Therapy: Regaining strength and mobility.
  • Occupational Therapy: Adapting to daily activities.

Palliative and End-of-Life Care

Palliative Care

  • Purpose: Improve quality of life by managing symptoms and stress.
  • Services: Pain relief, symptom management, emotional support.

Hospice Care

  • Purpose: Provide comfort and support for terminally ill patients.
  • Services: Medical care, emotional and spiritual support, assistance for families.

Follow-Up Care

Regular Monitoring

  • Purpose: Detect recurrence or manage long-term side effects.
  • Methods: Regular imaging, lab tests, physical exams.

Secondary Prevention

  • Lifestyle Changes: Healthy diet, regular exercise, smoking cessation.
  • Survivorship Programs: Support for long-term health and well-being.

Dr. Amit Jain
Paediatric Haematologist - Oncology & Bone Marrow Transplantation
5 years Experience
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Dr. Kant Shah
Paediatric Surgeon
17 years Experience
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Dr. Praveen Kammar
Onco - Surgeon
12 years Experience
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Dr. Ridhima Bindlish
Oncoplastic Surgeon
6 years Experience
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